Get Juiced! ~ Blood Orange Mimosa

As I’ve been moving along in my juicing adventures, I stay amazed at how fabulous fresh juice tastes. Then, one night the thought came to me, “why couldn’t I use fresh juice in my cocktails?” Makes sense, right? Why buy the mix with the overload of heavy syrups when I can make something fresh, any flavor that pleases me, and add the amount of alcohol called for in a typical recipe. So I mulled over and over what I could make. Naturally, as I’m a big margarita fan that was the first thing that came to mind. However, it wasn’t until I had a girls day out a couple of weekends ago that I knew exactly the first drink I wanted to make.


We started our day off meeting for brunch. One of the girls I was with had made a small spread, to which was started off with mimosas. Then we headed up to the OC Swap Meet,  where I found an awesome deal on a bunch of blood oranges. I think I bought at least a dozen of them. Then after a day of shopping and walking around, we headed back and ended the trip with another round of mimosas. The light bulb turned on.



I peeled and juiced all of my blood oranges and added 8 strawberry tops for a little added sweetness. I didn’t measure how much juice because I generally do half champagne half juice in my mimosas (I’m not big on the taste of champagne, but LOVE mimosas…go figure) Here’s what I used ~>

I like wine that tastes great without having to hear that sucking vortex sound every time I swipe my card through the slot. Which is why Barefoot Wine is my favorite.
So for my mimosa I used their Rosé Cuvée Champagne.


Combined with my juiced up blood oranges I have this fabulously delicious ruby beauty.
The Rosé Cuvée is only slightly sweet, which is perfect when pairing it with fresh juice. I think
what little bit of strawberry I added gave it just the right touch of sweet without throwing off the tangy, raspberry-like
citrus flavor of the blood orange.


I’m now in love with the Blood Orange Mimosa.
This will forever be my signature go-to drink
when having company over
for brunch.


6 Responses to Get Juiced! ~ Blood Orange Mimosa
  1. Get Juiced! ~ Leftover Strawberry Tops + Grapefruit | Semper Fi Momma
    March 20, 2012 | 10:03 am

    [...] tops to whatever juice I’m making.They are great to use as a main ingredient or to even add a smidgen of sweetness to a juice that might be a bit tart or [...]

  2. Krista
    March 6, 2012 | 7:53 pm

    I love barefoot wine. i love the moscato.
    I need to try this though. I haven’t ever seen their pink champagne though. I must not be looking hard enough!

    • Laura
      March 7, 2012 | 12:57 pm

      Moscato is my favorite. And? They have a bubbly moscato which would also go great in this recipe.

  3. Sugar Jones
    March 6, 2012 | 2:19 pm

    Two of my favorite things! Going to have to make these on Sunday. :)

    • Laura
      March 6, 2012 | 2:35 pm

      Let me know how you like it!! :)

  4. Theresa
    March 6, 2012 | 12:26 pm

    Oh dear, yes please!!