I’m trying to envision my life without you. It’s not easy.
We’ve been together a really, REALLY, long time.
Since what… preschool? Gosh…. to think back all that way. Remember my first ‘best friend’? Andrew. I often wonder what happened to him, and where his life took him. Preschool…. where I got stung in the eye by a bee, or wasp. Can’t really remember. Hey! How come you didn’t protect me from that?
You were there when I met my next, and long time cherished, best friend, Courtney. You were there for our many adventures together. You were there as we grew up together, all through elementary, middle school, and high school.
As I changed my likings and style, you changed. As my needs from you changed, you accommodated and adjusted.
I’ll admit, while I’ve always needed you, I have not always wanted or appreciated you. You’ve often gotten in my way. Sometimes I felt you kept me from being ‘me’, yet you are part of what has made me who I am. You are part of what has defined me.
I’ve tried to get rid of you before. I was told I couldn’t. I was stuck with you. Were we really going to be life partners forever? I would live with that. I didn’t actually have a choice. Luckily, those who’ve come into my life love and accept me, even with you as my constant baggage. The companion I depend on.
However, the time has come where I do in fact get to say goodbye to you. Come to find out, you’re no longer a necessity. I can actually live my life independently from you. It’s almost hard to believe.
How does one end a relationship of so many years? Can I do it? Can I go through with it?
yes i can
Truth is, while I have needed and depended on you to make my everyday life liveable, you have often caused me pain. You’re expensive. Annoying. And sometimes hold me back.
Glasses, it’s time for you to go. No more migraines if my prescription isn’t just right. No more raw flesh on the bridge of my nose when your pads have dug into my skin and irritated it. No more limited selection of stylish sunglasses. No more straining. No more high expenses when I need new lenses and frames. I’ve been granted my freedom from you, a liberation I’ve longed to have for so long now. A whole new lease on life.
I’m finally a good candidate for lasik. PRK to be exact.
And? I couldn’t be happier. Though I know with age, I’ll eventually need you again for reading. I’m ok with that. At least I know I’ll have a good 20 years or more without having to NEED you.
No hard feelings, OK? You’ll be fine without me. And I’m definitely going to be fine without you. I really think we need this break from each other. Will there be others? Will I let another pair of glasses into my life? YES!! I don’t purposely mean to wound you deeper, but I can’t help but be excited by the thought of being able to wear any pair of sunglasses I choose. Any shade or color, any style. I’m smiling right now at the though of it. And you should be excited too! ….though I’m not really sure why.
Look. It’s been real. But let’s not make this any harder than what it needs to be. M’k?
Here’s to not looking through you, kid!
YaHOOO!!! I am glad you qualified for lasik!!! You’ll love it! I wish I could get it done but since I still rarely wear my glasses/contacts except to drive (I’m awful), I should be a good wife and let Bryan get it done first (since he has bottle caps and all)…
Thank you!! It’s funny, just recently I went back to your FB and looked at the pics of us when we were younger. WOW did I have some awesome frames… haha!!
I had LASIK in February. I couldn’t be happier with the results.
So glad to hear that!!
How exciting. You’re going to be a whole new woman!
Thank you!! I feel the same way
Ohhh, ::Shrills of glee:: I have gone back and forth but I’m such a chicken!!! Happy for you!!
Thank you!! I’m a big nervous… I mean, you only get one set of eyes lol! But more than that I’m READY! All the positives and benefits overshadow my nerves.
Had Lasik 10 years and have been a happy girl since. Turned 40 and got the reading glasses, like they predicted. I don’t care since I only need them for reading and not for EVERY thing. Good luck!
Thank you!!
and that’s how I feel as well about the reading glasses. After wearing glasses for EVERYTHING for as long as I can remember, I won’t cry one bit when I eventually need reading glasses.