i’ve been welcomed into the Brazilian Club

Last week I got my first Brazilian Wax. After it was all over, the very sweet lady who performed ‘the job’ said, ‘You’re officially welcomed into The Brazilian Club!!’.

In her Brazilian accent, as she was herself a Brazilian, which just made it all the more official.

So, while I know this is a very TMI and personal topic, I felt I would share a bit of my experience for those who have always been curious, but maybe too afraid to jump off the ledge. Because…. that was me. Had I read a post about getting the nooks and crannies waxed with an honest opinion about it all, maybe I would have done the deed a few years sooner. The only reason I finally muffed up enough courage is because I have a girlfriend who also gets them regularly done, and gave me the whole low-down on the down-low hair removal.

Ok, so really? It’s NOT THAT BAD!!

Going in there I felt a little…. shy. I mean who wouldn’t? You’re spreading your legs and showing your hoo-hoo to a stranger. If you’re a mother, you’ve done this before. But at least you have the mentality of, ‘this is a doctor. they see, touch, poke, and scrape vagina all day, every day, for the medical and health benefit of women’, and so we though we don’t like getting our yearly pap, you do it without too much weirdness. Well, that’s how I sort of looked at this deal. This chick sees a lot of muff’n tuff on the daily. She’s a professional. No weirdness. And? Sarah, ala Skin By Sarah, was fabulous. She was sweet, and right away made me feel comfortable. She has her own room in a salon, and I undressed from the waste down as she prepped the wax and got everything she’d need aligned. If there was anything that really felt odd to me in the whole to-do, it was probably spreading my bottom-cheekers. That’s something you don’t do in all those many paps and preggy checks. But, that area is actually the easiest and painless in the whole waxing process, so no biggie.

After that came the actual chica waxing. She pretty much start at the top of the pubic area, and worked her way down and eventually getting into the inner inners. I know what you’re wondering. Did it hurt?
Dude. I’m not gonna lie. It definitely does not feel like butterfly wings are tickling your hoo-hoo. If you’ve every had your eyebrows waxed, it honestly compares to that. The bikini part, in my opinion, stings more than the actually inner bits waxing does. The inner portion is like the eyebrows, slightly more intense. She rips the wax away, and you’ll probably tense and go WHOA, but then it’s done. The area quickly calms down, and you may just feel that sensation of warmth on the surface of the skin, but really there’s no major pain.

If anything, the majority of the discomfort came later that evening. Sarah advised me to help the redness and irritation go away quickly to apply hydrocortisone to the area, and warned me no hot showers/baths, and no sex for 24 – 48 hours. (Obviously the sex part was easy to avoid since my husband is still currently deployed.) So, I did as she instructed, bought and applied cream, and took a lukewarm shower. Wore an oversized shirt for my jammies that night, and went to bed. Once in the night I woke up; I had rolled over onto my stomach, and the discomfort of my skin touching the sheets woke me up. Still, not really overly painful for anything, but my chica was pretty tender.

Today is day 8 post waxing, and everything is still super smooth. If you tend to keep your area south of the border clean and tidy, this may be something you would really like. If the thought of the pain is what’s stopping you, don’t let it. Seriously!! It’s not that bad. And you’ll love the results. Just make sure that when you go in for the first time you go in freshly washed, and with hair at least 1/4″ long, but not too long. A rule of thumb? No longer than the width of your thumb or forefinger. And wear something cozy like yoga pants and soft undies. You’ll be glad you did on the way out.

Questions? Don’t hesitate to ask me in the comments below.

5 Responses to i’ve been welcomed into the Brazilian Club
  1. Pascha
    May 14, 2013 | 7:23 am

    I made 3 separate appoints and chickened out every time. I will try again after reading this post. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Marcella @ The Life after "Trust Me."
    May 10, 2013 | 3:20 pm

    lol. Thank you so much for writing this. It was informative and I appreciate it!

    • Laura
      May 11, 2013 | 9:30 am

      you’re welcome!

  3. suzie
    May 10, 2013 | 3:14 pm

    Your so brave.
    Just reading about it got tears in my eyes.
    Sorry im just a big chicken. My girlfriends have tried
    to get me to get it done, but just can’t, I can do good on my own.

    • Laura
      May 11, 2013 | 9:32 am

      it’s definitely a personal preference thing. I wouldn’t have done it unless I was 100% ready to. ;)