I like to pin to my Pinterest boards from the original site. Why? Because it’s nice for that blogger/site to be able to type in the url http://www.pinterest.com/source/therewebsitehere.com and see all of the pins that are coming directly from their site! It lets that blogger/site know which articles they’ve published that are really popular and visually stimulating.
Have you ever written a post, put up a really great picture that you had your heart set on getting pinned, but never found that it got the results you had hoped for? Or that it deserved? Or maybe you’ve seen your picture pinned, but the text description there is not what you had originally intended to be what described your pin. Well, I’m here to give you a possible ‘why your pic may not be so pinnable’ answer and how to easily (and FREE) create a description for your pin that’s pinnable and auto-populates when someone Pins your pictures.
See above in the Description area? I don’t know how many times I’ve clicked to pin a picture, and this window comes up so that, as we know when pinning, I can click which board I want to pin to… etc. You know the drill. But, instead of seeing a nicely written out description, what often auto-populates is something jumbled all together that would look something like, ‘quicklyandeasilyedityourpictures’. <- ew. And that frustrates me. Why? Because that’s not how I want a pin to look on my boards. (so if I really really really want that pin on my boards, I’m going to have to delete the description that’s popped up and write my own) Plus, it’s probably not going to get repinned. Why? Because the person who is looking to possibly repin is going to have to first delete the jumbly description and retype their own. Truth is, a lot of us don’t want to go through the trouble of all that, so we instead click the CANCEL button, and move on.
So let’s fix this. Chances are you’re already editing your pictures somewhere so it’s a bit fancied up to give it that extra eye-popping sparkle. Right? When editing, I use iPiccy.com when editing my pictures. It’s free and easy to use. I know a lot of people use PicMonkey, I prefer iPiccy and find it more user friendly. However, for the PicMonkey users, you can apply the same steps.
When you’re finished editing your picture, what do you do? Click save. And this is where you label your picture so you can find it in your drive. THIS IS WHEN AND WHERE THE MAGIC HAPPENS!!
See above ‘File name:’ – this is where you write exactly what you want the Description text of your picture to say when someone pins it. Crazy simple, right? Well, I used to just type in some lame picture label in this area so I could find the file I needed when uploading it to my site or article. I saw other people’s pins have this cool text, but had, for the longest time, assumed that it was the pinner inserting their own text. And I’m sure some pinners still are. I didn’t realize that I could create the description myself and have it read perfectly when pinned until clicking on one of my own pictures and tinkering around. And? *in Gru voice* LIGHT BULB!
So there you have it. I hope some of you find this useful, and if you know a blogger who’s pictures, when pinned, have that jumbly description please pass this along to them. Because, what we bloggers/writers have to remember is that we are not the only ones using Pinterest. How many of your FB friends use it and they don’t blog? Would they know the difference of how well that pretty and well written description could boost visits back to your site from that pin? Probably not.
So let’s help each other out by making sure we have pinnable descriptions to go along with our Pin’able Pictures.