no membership needed workouts – 3 miles in my own living room

First let me say that, though I think we established this in last weeks post, I won’t be going to the gym. Through my weight loss and get fit journey, everything that I’ll be doing will be in my own home, or neighborhood. There are a lot of great workout options out there, without having to lay down a ton of money. When people say they NEED the gym in order to workout, I often wonder if this is just an excuse to get out of doing it. Because if you HAVE to go to the gym to work out, then that means you don’t have to do it at home. If fitness is important enough to you, you’ll find a way to do it anywhere. At least, that’s what makes sense to me. Some people actually do find that a gym workout is much more effective and productive for them. KUDOS! Seriously. And I’m honestly not trying to be judgey here. What I’m saying is that, you don’t NEED the gym. You may want it, and love it, but it’s not a need. So, if you’re like me and really NEED to work out and get in shape, please please please don’t let the gym be your excuse. LET’S WORK OUT!!

So, here’s what I’ve been doing since the last post. This is a 3 mile power walk that you literally do in your own living room. Think a power walk is wimpy? Think again. First off, if you’re need to just get your butt in gear then any kind of workout is more than what you’re doing now. Second, this is a really great cardio workout, and you will feel it in your legs, thighs, calves and buns the next day. And, for me, it’s perfect because  the soreness isn’t so bad that you will be able to easily talk yourself out of doing it again the next day. You’re just sore enough to know you did it, and you did it LIKE A BOSS!

So there you have it. A FREE workout you can easily do and it only takes about 45 minutes. I’ve wasted more time than that just surfing my Facebook or Instagram feeds!

3 mile cardio power walk - FREE - no membership or purchases neededNow, for the moment of my personal truths from the past week. I did this 3 mile power walk twice, and actually did manage to squeeze in some yoga in the last second this weekend. Um. Yeah that’s it. I had a really rough night one night last week, that kinda wiped me out for a couple of days. I’m not entirely proud of myself, because I partly feel like a slacker. On the other hand, I refuse to give up and know that I’m doing SOMETHING! I’m starting. I’m still going. I’m constantly on the move all day long, never sitting or standing one place for too long. I haven’t stopped. I haven’t failed. (remember, I said I sucked at the whole working out thing, but I’m trying to love it and get better at it)

My goal for this week is to clock 9 power walk miles, 3 miles of an actual power walk/run OUTSIDE, and 2 yoga sesh’s. *gulp* And after writing that I’m having some minor anxiety at the thought of actually being able to accomplish all that. But, I also know me and I perform better when I set the bar high and slightly out of reach, knowing that I’ll get some of my goals met, whereas were my goals to be easily obtained I wouldn’t feel challenged and I wouldn’t feel as motivated.

Also this week, I’m having my thyroid tested. Having an inactive thyroid runs in my family, and so I want to make sure that this is or isn’t a factor in play.

and, I know I said I’d share measurement… um… but I can’t find my measuring tape. No lie. I saw the girls playing with it a couple weeks back, and now I wished I could remember where it went. So I’ll get a new one. But here’s my weekly stats:

1lbs down! progress is progress #sfmgetsfit

Join me in my weight loss/get fit journey. Are you struggling with your weight, size, or fitness level as well? Comment below and lets support each other.


3 Responses to no membership needed workouts – 3 miles in my own living room
  1. Kiesha
    September 13, 2013 | 11:22 am

    I have been meaning to try this exact work out for awhile now, but I forgot about it! Thanks for posting this. I just got done with a 21 day challenge that someone did on Facebook and it kept me motivated but now that it is over. I am needing some more motivation to get up and work out! I am a huge Jillian Michaels fan, so I do a lot of her videos. Can’t wait to try this one out. Keep up the awesome work! (: You are motivating me to get up and do something now lol

  2. Melissa B
    September 10, 2013 | 6:44 am

    Love it. Keep pushing forward! You are so brave for sharing….

    • Laura C
      September 10, 2013 | 8:20 am

      Thank you. My stomach twists in knots before I push the ‘publish’ button, but it also encourages me to keep going, stay accountable, and stay motivated!

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