Having Monday ‘off’ made last week really fly by. And it’s always a bit funny to me because it’s just one day. Why does it throw off my entire week? It’s like a mental game with myself and I’m not winning. ha!
Last week a blogging friend joined this weekly challenge for the first time. Meg, from Seeking Salas, said, “there is a difference between being selfish and practicing self care” – and that is my favorite quote about this challenge. She summed up in a short phrase exactly the point I’ve been trying to get across with these posts. Love it!
So let me just get out of the way the things I did NOT accomplish this week.
The Pumpkin Spiced Latte was one. Not for a lack of doing something for me, I was honestly just not motivated to leave the house to go and get one. IT’S BEEN HOT!! And muggy, which makes hot more hot than it’s usual hot. I’m sure others around the country are suffering from heat and humidity at higher degrees than what sunny SoCal is experiencing, but when you’re used to a certain kind of weather it really doesn’t matter how hot the hot is for anyone else, it’s what hot is to you and what you’re used to dealing with. And it’s been hot here. So aside from my commissary trip and picking up my son from school, I really have tried to not leave the house too much.
Yoga (and now hanging my head in severe disappointment) did not happen this week. I have no good reason for this, as usual. It’s easy to put off, I guess, and I need to make it more of a priority. Ok. Noted.
Everything else happened, though I’m just now realizing I forgot to share these things on as I had originally intended to do when I first started #5things4me.
Cleaning actually happened on Friday, but it was nice to have everything taken care of before the weekend.
I read, and it was GA-LOR-EE-OUS!!
I drank more water. Again I still feel silly about making that a for me thing, but I felt great. All I needed to do was just pause for about 90 seconds, and not only did I get some needed hydration, but I allowed myself to just pause for a moment.
So, this week’s goals:
- Y O G A (I’m not giving up on this)
- New face lotion /wash – this is something I ALWAYS put off. These items, when restocking on all at once, can get a little pricey. So I always put it off. I’m putting my foot down and making the purchase this week. My face is begging me.
- In bed by 9pm one night this week. I almost did this last week, and just knowing that I was so close…. it was tantalizing. I want to actually make it to my bed by 9.
- Sit down and work on my book. Because yes, I am actually working on a book. And come to find out it won’t write itself.
- Put makeup on and do my hair. I hardly ever do this. I usually just brush it off, because what’s the point when I’m usually just at home with the kids and no one sees me during the day. Well, I SEE ME! And even just a little mascara goes a long way in making me feel like an actual woman.
So there it is! I’m really excited about this week. I feel good about being able to accomplish everything on my list.
What are you doing for yourself this week? I really hope that you’ll join me, and challenge yourself to do 5 things for you. Doing a little something nice for yourself really goes a long way. So think of 5 (simple) things to do for yourself this week, and then come back and link up your post! Remember, sharing is caring – please try and make it to some of the other bloggers’ posts who have linked up before or after you.
Sounds like a good week, even if some items weren’t checked off. And I really like your list for the following week, will have to adjust #5 to my own list.
Makeup isn’t a priority, ever, but I do want to take better care of my hair again. I used to wash it *and* apply hair mask, but have only done it a couple of times since I started working at the shop (back in November.)
The past two weeks while at home, I did this extra step and just LOVED my hair. This week, I only managed to wash it quickly and run out the door.
I already know what one of the items will be on next week’s list: comment on blog posts instead of keeping them open in the browser window for a six days!
When I complained about the heat on Facebook, many of my East Coast friends mentioned that I did not have their sympathy; however, you are right in that *I* was hot, uncomfortable, and cranky because *I* am not used to this type of weather. I don’t need anyone’s permission to be hot.
One good thing, though, is that because I used to live on the East Coast, I had great coping techniques that I used. One was particularly helpful after my daily shower. I aimed the fan directly at my damp body as I put my make-up on so that I wouldn’t sweat it off. When I dried, I would wipe myself down with a cold wash cloth to get chilled again. With this little helpful tidbit, I was able to get ready for work without screaming and getting frustrated. Yay for that!
no kidding, YAY for that!! That’s a great tip
and yes, I always get a bit frustrated with people when they are not understanding of others. You can only know feeling and extremity of the situation you are currently in. Nothing more or less. So while hot may not mean the same thing to our East Coast friends as it does to us, it doesn’t make us any less hot. blah… oh well. Just know you have my empathy!!