pedi care on a budget

Lately we’ve been taking a close look at our budget and trying to trim the fat. We’ve got a lot going on it life, and sometimes it’s good to take a look at where the extra fluff spending is and see what you can cut out to save and help prepare for what’s coming. (for us that’s a pcs coming soon, winter clothes purchase according to new location, military budget cuts, etc) One of the fluff spends is my pedicures. Are they necessary? No. But I sure do love them!!

I lovEarth Theapeutics Soft Soles Gel Slipperse the leg massage, how pretty my toes look afterward, how refreshed I feel, and how soft and smooth my feet are. And since I wear flip flops a lot, my feel get dry and rough easily. I want to be able to say that I put lotion on in the mornings and evenings, and regularly sit down to paint my toes, but I can’t. It doesn’t happen. In the morning I’m getting the kiddos ready for school. I’m proud of myself for getting my hair brushed!! By the time the end of the day comes and I get to spend a little time on me, I pretty much just make sure my face is washed and lotioned, and that’s pretty much the extent of my evening self-care regime. I’m spent from the day and really just want to sit down and relax. I want to spend very little effort, and what effort I can afford I usually put towards uncorking a bottle of wine and pouring a glass.

So, my point. How do I skip the weekly to bi-weekly pedi to save some cash and still have pretty and feel good feet? With my new loves – Earth Therapeutics Pedi-Jams. I found these at the MCX, and they were $20. I thought, ‘really?? 20bucks for some gel socks?’, and started to turn my nose up at them. Then I saw the next to them. So with the two I was, roughly, about to spend $30′ish.
If I spend $30 and can NOT go to get a pedi for 4 weeks, keep my feet soft and pretty, and paint my toes as needed, I’ll have saved between $60 and $90 in a 4 – 6 week period. hmmmmm…. that’s pretty good.
OH!! And actually I’d save a little more than that because you can’t forget tip, and there is a Starbucks next to my fave pedi salon, which means another $6 sneaks out of my wallet per pedi trip.

pampering your tootsies while saving some $$So I bring them home and IMMEDIATELY try them. And?? It feels kinda funny. Like walking on gel pads. But comfortable. Per the package, for extra moisturizing I left them on overnight. My feet felt so insanely good the next day! I was actually a bit shocked. But I’ve been hooked every since. Once or twice a week now I reserve enough energy to put some of the tea tree lotion on my feet, and then the socks, and wake up with super refreshed tootsies!

If you’re not in the market for getting a pedi every week, or even every other week, but love that fresh new pedi feeling then these Pedi-Jams need to be a part of your personal care arsenal.

disclaimer: I bought these myself and wrote this post myself. Why? Because when I find something cool and love it lots I want to share it with my readers, because they’re pretty great and deserve to know about great stuff.

2 Responses to pedi care on a budget
  1. Alex
    September 13, 2013 | 1:53 pm

    I’m going to look for those! My mom always had them, but I had no idea what they did!

    • Laura C
      September 13, 2013 | 3:05 pm

      They are seriously fabulous. Especially with the lotion use, but I even slip them on my feet without the lotion.

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