Category Archives: #5Things4Me

#5Things4Me – week 7

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Sorry, but today’s is going to be a bit short. I have a lot of errands to run and I need to get a move on!! I’m going to just hit what I DID do for myself last week: I did my hair and makeup. Hello woman hiding underneath the mommy! I’m not really a…

#5Things4Me – week 6

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Having Monday ‘off’ made last week really fly by. And it’s always a bit funny to me because it’s just one day. Why does it throw off my entire week? It’s like a mental game with myself and I’m not winning. ha! Last week a blogging friend joined this weekly challenge for the first time….

#5Things4Me – week 5

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I’m going to admit to you, last week was almost a complete fail. Almost. While I did exercise every day, I did NOT kick it up a notch as I had hoped. Yoga didn’t happen, not even once, last week. Face time with a gal pal? YES!!! Reading? Well, not my book but I did…

#5things4me – week 4

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Ever notice how some weeks seems to fly by, and others drag on? Some week also seem to just go more smoothly than others. Last week was not one of those smooth weeks. I can’t even really tell you what happened to make it not so smooth, it just wasn’t. I constantly felt like I…

#5Things4Me – week 3

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Have your kids started school yet? I survived the first week. More importantly, my son survived the first week. He gets minor anxieties. I could tell he was stressing about the first day as it approached. His laugh would sound just a little too high, and it felt forced. He kept talking about school, and…

#5Things4Me – week 2

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Last week I introduced #5Things4Me, my weekly link up where I, and whoever else wants to join me (hopefully YOU), pledge to do 5 very simple things each week that are just for me. Selfish? NO! We are parents. We are spouses. We are friends. We give and give and rarely stop to give to…

#5Things4ME – introduction


As a military wife, it’s easy to completely consume yourself in the military life. I have, and I’ve talked before about how easy it is to ‘lose yourself‘ in this life. But we have to remember, that we are MORE than just military wives. We are more than just mothers. We are woman (or men…