No joke! Have you seen those super cute bento lunches? Ever wanted to make them? You can. And you should! It’s a fun way to make lunch for your kiddos, and when lunch is fun you’re more successful in introducing new foods to them. *wink wink* Bonus note: chances are you already have some basic…
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I like easy meal. They save me time, which is definitely not a luxury I have. As I was making this meal last night, I looked at the clock at 3:26pm and thought, ‘why am I pulling the hamburger out of the fridge? It’s way to early to start browning it…’, so I put it…
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Who doesn’t love chicken salad? Ok, so I’m sure there are plenty of people who don’t love it, but I do. It’s easy to make and pretty versatile, which is what inspired me to create a chicken salad sushi recipe. (note – this recipe comes from, my other blog that I have sorely been…
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During deployment, and managing the solo parenting gig, it’s hard to evenly disperse myself between all three children. The girls get me all day long while my son is in school, but when he comes home I’m then dividing myself between three children. He never really gets me all to himself. So, when I can…
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Brownies: 1 small jar nutella, 1/4 tsp baking powder, 2 eggs. Bake @350 for about 20-30 minutes. — Dawn M Gibson August 31, 2012 As you can see by the tweet above, I was quite excited a few weeks ago to have survived my first week of Kindergarten. And, you can see the…
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Hi, Semper Fi Momma friends! My name is Elizabeth and I blog over at The Young Retiree! I was thrilled when Laura asked me to write something about my new Paleo lifestyle to share with you all. I’m sure some of you have heard the term Paleo thrown around recently as the lifestyle has gained popularity…
Cheesecake Cookie Bars
This weekend I made these bars. For years it has been a signature dessert of mine. So many people asking me for the recipe, and time and again I’ve dodged out of giving it to them claiming it as ‘top secret’. HA!!! Thanks Pinterest for bitch-slapping on my ego. A month ago or so, I…
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Sinful Sweet Cookie Dough Treats
Pinterest, oh Pinterest. How I love thee. Let me count the ways… I have been finding so many wonderful sweet treats on pinterest!! I want to make them all, but of course that would completely kill all the dieting and weight loss progress I’ve made so far. However, I wanted to share with you…
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Get Juiced! ~ Leftover Strawberry Tops + Grapefruit
Strawberries are extremely good for you and very high in vitamin C. In fact, ounce for ounce they dominate this vitamin when stacked against oranges. I never waste a strawberry. Not even the tops. This past weekend I was cutting up some strawberries for my kiddos, and after slicing the tops off would put them…
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Get Juiced! ~ Pear Grape
Juicing doesn’t have to be complex to be nutritional or effective. I often wonder if those who are intimidated of juicing, or completely turned off by it, are because of all the recipes that make it look like you have to own half the produce isle to make one healthy drink. That’s definitely not true….
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