Category Archives: gardening

Earth Day 2013 : a simple gardening upcycle project

Upcycle your broken toys - Earth Day 2013

It’s Earth Day!! Are you gettin’ down with the greenage? I try to be green. I’m not perfect, but I put in a decent effort. But ‘being green’ isn’t all about conserving water and recycling. I mean, that’s definitely some things that are good to do, but I think we overlook the small things we…

Turning (wine & liqueur) Bottles into Mini Gardens

bottle garden collection

I love to garden. I wouldn’t say that I’m a pro, but do really enjoy it. If I had to guess the shade of my green thumb, I’d say it’s somewhere in the ballpark of Jade and Sea Green.   So after I made my pallet garden, of course winter came and all of the…

Pallet Garden: An Easy DIY Gardening Project

For all of us military momma’s who love to garden, but want something simple to do, that’s easy to move (should you choose to take it with you), and is fairly inexpensive (so you won’t cry if you have to leave it behind), this is a great gardening project for you. This project is also…