Category Archives: taking care of me

pedi care on a budget

pampering your tootsies while saving some $$

Lately we’ve been taking a close look at our budget and trying to trim the fat. We’ve got a lot going on it life, and sometimes it’s good to take a look at where the extra fluff spending is and see what you can cut out to save and help prepare for what’s coming. (for…

after 29 years, it’s time to end our relationship

saying goodbye to glasses, after 29 years

I’m trying to envision my life without you. It’s not easy. We’ve been together a really, REALLY, long time. Since what… preschool? Gosh…. to think back all that way. Remember my first ‘best friend’? Andrew. I often wonder what happened to him, and where his life took him. Preschool…. where I got stung in the…

i’ve been welcomed into the Brazilian Club

the inside scoop for Brazilian Wax first-timers

Last week I got my first Brazilian Wax. After it was all over, the very sweet lady who performed ‘the job’ said, ‘You’re officially welcomed into The Brazilian Club!!’. In her Brazilian accent, as she was herself a Brazilian, which just made it all the more official. So, while I know this is a very…