Category Archives: military living

Half Boy/Half Man

US soldier

The average age of the military man is 19 years. He is a short haired, tight-muscled kid who, under normal circumstances is considered by society as half man, half boy. Not yet dry behind the ears, not old enough to buy a beer, but old enough to die for his country. He never really cared…

the story before ‘us’, as told by my husband

mr and mrs

during deployment my husband was able to take a college course, during which he wrote a narrative essay. Today is our 13th anniversary, but I’m having PRK surgery, so my fabulous husband is my special guest writer. Here’s his story that happened just before ‘us’.  My Belief in Fate I was on top of the…

homecoming lesson: Don’t plan for perfect!

deployment homecoming - never plan for perfect

so I’m guessing all of my faithful reading are wanting to know about the events of homecoming day. You got it! (sorry it’s taken me so long, but I have to admit it’s been great detaching from the computer and phone this past week) So, a week ago today my husband came home after 239…

I. Am. More. [it's time to say goodbye]

semper fi momma 9

12 years ago I was a young girl who met a Marine, fell madly in love, and 3 months later married him. I had no idea what kind of world I was stepping in to. The sacrifices from me on a constant basis were completely oblivious to me. I wasn’t completely blind, though. I did…

Deployment Checklist

Deployment Checklist... Did I mention wine?

Semper Fi Funnies; getting through deployment one laugh at a time!

Deployment is FUN!

Deployment Fun! said no military wife. Ever

Semper Fi Funnies; getting through deployment one laugh at a time!

Deployment Gratitude :: week 10

Deployment Gratitude

  Hugs are the universal medicine. ~ Unknown I really could have used a hug this week. It wasn’t unbearable, but Wednesday and Thursday were slightly difficult days. Thanksgiving. A time for gathering with family and friends and celebrating all you are thankful for. We are always with family, and if it’s not our blood…

Deployment Gratitude :: week 9

Deployment Gratitude

Now join your hands, and with your hands your hearts. ~ William Shakespeare   This week has been a really great week. The highlight was going on a date night with my son Friday evening. He insisted that we take the truck because that is the official date night vehicle, which was perfectly fine by…

Sending a Military Care Package 101

Sending A Military Care Package 101

Sending a deployed serviceman a care package is a great way to show your support and that you care. We military wives find ourselves at the post office on a regular basis. But I also have family and friends who are sending care packages to my husband, and also other guys he works with who…

Deployment Gratitude :: week 8

Deployment Gratitude

The days are long, but the years are short. Naturally at the end of every week I’m excited to cross another one off the calendar. This week, though, something about crossing week 8 is super exciting to me. There are days when I look at the weeks ahead and feel like time is making a…