Category Archives: parenting

Sunday morning reflection…. the moment i almost missed

morning blessings

this was a big moment for me this morning. the sun was rising and reflected off of the glass on a picture we have hanging on the living room wall, showing my boy in beautiful morning sunlight as he was just sitting there quietly thinking to himself. i just stared at him and marveled at…

I. Am. More. [it's time to say goodbye]

semper fi momma 9

12 years ago I was a young girl who met a Marine, fell madly in love, and 3 months later married him. I had no idea what kind of world I was stepping in to. The sacrifices from me on a constant basis were completely oblivious to me. I wasn’t completely blind, though. I did…

Panera is my comfort food haven

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During deployment, and managing the solo parenting gig, it’s hard to evenly disperse myself between all three children. The girls get me all day long while my son is in school, but when he comes home I’m then dividing myself between three children. He never really gets me all to himself. So, when I can…

What The First Day of Kindergarten Has Taught Me

What I Learned on the First Day of Kindergarten

I can’t believe how fast this day came. Where did the last 5 years go? How did my baby boy get to be so big? It happens to all of us. We blink and they are kindergarteners. The next thing you know they are taking their SAT’s and picking out colleges. (ok seriously, I don’t…

Planning my Predeployment Mommycation

san onofre beach

mommycation (n) : a short leave of absence in which a mother embarks all alone to the destination of her choosing without the accompaniment of her husband or children, so that she may do as she pleases, as she sees fit, with no one to answer to but herself. the restoration of a small portion…

My Sweet DevilPup, Happy Birthday!, Love – Mommy

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My Sweet DevilPup!   I can’t believe that you are 5 years old today. I can’t believe how quickly time has gone by, and how much you have grown in such a short amount of time. [I can't believe how much I have grown! Because of you coming into my life.] I’m so proud of…


One of his favorites: Banana, Beets, and Blueberries Pureeing fruits and vegetables into little culinary masterpieces can be quick and easy! I introduce, and lets be honest hide, vegetables with fruits that many would otherwise snarl their nose at and say “NO WAY!”  Beets, for example, are gorgeous in color and are a boost of vitamins and minerals….

feeding little

As a first time Mom and whiz in the kitchen, I am convinced I can raise a good eater. Fortunately, I have a hungry baby that insists there are times when I haven’t fed him and he is SO famished!  One of the best products I received as a gift was a baby food maker….

Don’t Rock the Boat

I belong to several parenting forums and communities. And every few months, it surfaces…the dreaded question: “When did you first leave your little one for the night?” I know the question is innocent, and that the poster is usually a new parent, feeling out their new role and responsibilities. Perhaps they are even suffering from…

No Preschool Halloween Costume Parade Today: I couldn’t not be there.

I’m happy to report that my son has been doing really well in preschool. He loves it, in fact. When we get ready for bed at night, the night before he goes to school as he only goes twice a week, I ask him if he knows what the next day is. If it’s the…