Category Archives: Semper Blogging

your picture Description is just as important when creating PIN’able pictures

Pinterest Pinning Tip via semperfimomma Semper Blogging

I like to pin to my Pinterest boards from the original site. Why? Because it’s nice for that blogger/site to be able to type in the url and see all of the pins that are coming directly from their site! It lets that blogger/site know which articles they’ve published that are really popular and…

ramblings of a cancelled columnist

cancelled columnist cover photo

so… my column has been cancelled. The first thing I’d like to say is THANK YOU to everyone who supported me and were regular readers. those who know me know i’m not really a whiner/martyr/cry baby, but I feel like venting a bit so I’m going to… because I can dammit. And honestly I’m a…

Setting up Google Authorship for WordPress Users and Why It’s Important

Verifying your Google Authorship for Wordpress Users

For many bloggers, the whole Google Plus thing is still a bit new. So I’m sure the mention of this Google Authorship brings out the reaction… ‘HUH??’, especially since I’ve gotten this same reaction from experienced bloggers who I’m usually asking for advice and guidance from. But, don’t let the NEW scare you. Google authorship…

huh. and here i am again.

so, apparently i suck at goodbyes. or rather, i suck at letting go. what can i say. i love semper fi momma. this blog has been a part of me since 2009, i should have known i wouldn’t be able to walk away. but, i’m coming back to it a bit differently. yes, i’m a…

I. Am. More. [it's time to say goodbye]

semper fi momma 9

12 years ago I was a young girl who met a Marine, fell madly in love, and 3 months later married him. I had no idea what kind of world I was stepping in to. The sacrifices from me on a constant basis were completely oblivious to me. I wasn’t completely blind, though. I did…

Be Comfortable With Your Blogging You

Advice for the Brand New Blogger

Recently a girlfriend of mine started her own blog. Brand new, completely from scratch. After answering a slew of questions, I’ve decided to start writing out my bloggy advice in hopes that other brand new bloggers find it valuable as well. Keep in mind, however, that this is all from my little brain. My opinion….