this was a big moment for me this morning. the sun was rising and reflected off of the glass on a picture we have hanging on the living room wall, showing my boy in beautiful morning sunlight as he was just sitting there quietly thinking to himself. i just stared at him and marveled at how simply beautiful my boy is. not just because he’s cute, but because his heart is so full of love, empathy for others, and how brave and strong he’s been through this deployment. he’s a remarkable little guy and i’m so incredibly blessed to have him in my life.
i almost missed this moment this morning. last week i was invited to go out on the ladies night event of a lifetime. that fab night out op happened last night. i would have been up near LA partying it up with my socal friends,
and jenny mccarthy.
and i mean the full works. limo ride up. free entry to an awesome comedy show. drinks galore. and? fun fun fun with lots of my lady friends.
sounds awesome, right?
of course it does. and i really wanted to go. but what was the main reason that caused me to talk myself out of it?
money. mostly.
an overnight sitter would have been a $100 minimum. (and to be honest, my heart probably couldn’t handle leaving my babies without my husband here just yet)
then of course i’d need an outfit. i have no nice going out clothes currently, as i’ve recently de-junked my closet.
and i’d need a fresh pedi, and might as well get a mani, too, since i know i won’t have time to do my nails ahead of time.
ok…. so maybe i could have skipped the mani/pedi…..
but, the sitter cost, and horrifyingly heart-stopping thought of leaving my children overnight, stopped my in my tracks and yanked the fab gno fantasy out of my brain.
last night there was a slight sting as i watched all of the fun pictures of my friends’ night circle around the social media circles.
they were out looking gorgeous and having a fabulous time.
that could have been me.
that should have been me.
it wasn’t.
instead of living it up i stayed home. my mommaheart wouldn’t and couldn’t allow me to go.
this morning as i was sipping my coffee, and slightly chuckling as thoughts of the rotten hangovers my friends my possibly be suffering from briefly infiltrated my snarky but admittedly slightly jealous brain,
this moment with my son unfolded before my eyes. it was like the universe was purposely reminding me of what’s truly important. that, though i’ve sacrificed a lot of fun moments and girl time through this deployment,
i’ve got to enjoy a lot of precious moments and one-on-one time with my kids. especially my son, who is a complete daddy’s boy and will probably ditch me the moment his father is within reach.
ok, not completely ditch me. but i’ll no longer be number one. and… i’m ok with that. a boy needs his daddy, and i love that mine son is completely enamored with his father.
these are the moments we must cherish.
these are the moments that come and go in a blink, and are just too easy to miss.
today, this morning, i was reminded of what’s important and had some very valuable time to reflect and appreciate.
I love those moments and cherish them especially during a deployment. I feel we get so busy in the minutia of day to day living that we need the reminders. And good on you for capturing the moment