#5things4me – week 4

#5things4meEver notice how some weeks seems to fly by, and others drag on? Some week also seem to just go more smoothly than others. Last week was not one of those smooth weeks. I can’t even really tell you what happened to make it not so smooth, it just wasn’t. I constantly felt like I was behind the power curve. The girls picked a couple of days out of the week to be complete hags. My son was emotionally sensitive, and still having some school anxieties. The Mr. started Staff Academy this week, which has it’s own stressful tale of getting in the course, and is also taking college courses. Part of me feels like none of this should effect me so much that I can’t do a few simple things for myself, and yet it does. It did!!

These are some of the things I juggled throughout the week. And this is exactly the point behind 5Things4Me. None of these minor bumps and happenings were major catastrophes. These are all just the every day balls we are juggling in life. Then, about the time we add in just one more ball, maybe that detox bath I would have like to have gotten to, the rhythm of the juggle is off, the balls come down bouncing in every which direction, and, because we’re moms, each of those balls are filled with some sort of sticky, thick goo, so when they break as they fall we now have a massive mess to clean up. Yep. Life. [well damn, did I just seriously discourage every reader from actually joining in on this challenge?] BUT!!! It can be done. Did you think you’d just be able to pick up 10 balls and automatically know how to juggle so well Barnum and Bailey would be ringing up your phone? It’s called balance, and yes it’s a learned skill. Rarely do we pick up a new skill and are perfectly awesome at it at first bat. And that’s OK! Please, for you and your family, keep trying.

Last week I DID actually do my yoga at home. As it’s been forever since I’ve done yoga, it was a bit uncomfortable, but seriously I think that was the best 5things4me moment all week.
Even if it was minor, I did manage to squeak in exercise every day last week. Except for Saturday. But we all need a day off, right?
Thanks to my husband having to be out the door because the sun’s alarm clock went off, I had my coffee before sunrise. And starting the day off with that small moment of peace made a world of difference.

No, I didn’t get through all five items on my list last week. But I know it’s possible. And just the fact that I worked in a few on my list means I’m making progress. Even if it was just one item on my list that I had gotten to, it still would be more than I was doing for myself just a month ago.

So here’s what I’ve got on the docket for this week:

  1. I’m not giving up on my detox bath, and am trying again this week.
  2. Finishing the book I’m currently reading. I don’t have much left to go, but I’m determined to get more than 3 pages read this week.
  3. Kick it up a notch in the exercise department. I walk/jog roughly 1.2 miles in the morning. I need to double-tap and get something done (2mile minimum) in the evenings as well. My goal is Mon-Fri
  4. Paint my nails. They’re looking pretty bad and I really do feel better when they’re freshly painted and looking nice.
  5. I’m going to make a good attempt at getting in some face time with one of my gal pals. It’s been…….. too long.

What are you doing for yourself this week? I really hope that you’ll join me, and challenge yourself to do 5 things for you. Doing a little something nice for yourself really goes a long way. So think of 5 (simple) things to do for yourself this week, and then come back and link up your post! Remember, sharing is caring – please try and make it to some of the other bloggers’ posts who have linked up before or after you.
#5Things4Me Link Up Badge

I’d love to get some ideas from you and have them here in the comments to share with others. What is one of the things on your list to do for YOU this week?

8 Responses to #5things4me – week 4
  1. Mama Mary
    August 26, 2013 | 9:37 pm

    Love this premise and love the things you’ve chosen for your “me” time. I love painting my own nails and good girl time. And I’ve re-discovered book reading which makes me so happy! What’s a detox bath, btw? I need one whatever it is!

    • Laura C
      August 27, 2013 | 8:58 am

      YES!! (on the book reading) It seems like it’s the simplest thing to do, and yet probably because of the simplicity of it I always put reading off. Yet, I love the happy and peace I feel after just a few pages. I hope you’ll join in with me sometime!!
      A detox bath : I just fill the water as hot but comfortable (you want to be able to sit for about 40 mins), and pour in 2 cups baking soda, and 2 cup epsom salt. Sometimes I add in some fresh ginger (if I remember to buy it at the store)
      *The magnesium and sulfate in the epsom can be easily absorbed in the skin, and is a big aid in detoxification; stimulates pancreas to form enzymes needed to detox, boost immune, boost magnesium levels ;)
      *baking soda = cleansing and anit-fungal and leaves skin soft
      *ginger = stimulates the skin and increases the feeling of heat, so you’ll sweat more ‘junk’ out. so this is completely optional
      Sometimes I’ll also add some tea tree oil

  2. Joann Woolley
    August 26, 2013 | 7:58 pm

    I am inspired Laura – YOu are keeping at it and I know I can just jump in and not feel bad if I get to one or two things because of what you wrote – it is about the journey afterall!

    • Laura C
      August 27, 2013 | 9:07 am

      yes! exactly! It’s kind of ‘the thought that counts’ that makes this such a great start. Granted, you want to do more than just ‘think’ about it and actually ‘do’, but 9 times out of 10 we’re not even THINKING about doing something for ourselves. So just sitting down and saying ‘ok I can do these 5 simple things this week’ is a great start. Even if only one thing on that list gets accomplished, it’s a start and I promise you’ll feel great about it! I hope you’ll join in on the link up!

  3. bloggoneit
    August 26, 2013 | 4:12 pm

    I am so glad that you did the yoga app. I wanted Nick to write a yoga app but he said he thought there wouldn’t be an audience, but, see? There is!

    You are more dedicated than I am — that’s for sure. I need something on the big screen.

    I will be stealing #4 because I got a gel job on my toenails which means that the nail polish lasted a really long time but it’s hard to get off. In fact, I will probably have to pay extra to get it off at the nail salon. And sometimes I’m very cheap when it comes to me so I may have ugly toenails for quite a long time…the last time I waited until the nails grew all the way out. At one point, it looked like I had a French manicure! LOL.

    • Laura C
      August 27, 2013 | 9:12 am

      You husband should TOTALLY write a yoga app!!!!! I really love the one I’m using, but it’s only available on iphone/apple products. And I’m not apple loyal. So when I am up for my phone upgrade and switch to something different, I’ll really be sad to see this app go.

  4. Kate - Catching Up With Kate
    August 26, 2013 | 4:04 pm

    five things just for me?! Oh – I think I took a shower this morning – that is one…. let me see if I can find 4 more ;-)

    • Laura C
      August 26, 2013 | 6:10 pm

      you are a busy momma!!! I hope you do, and join me in this link up. You need to make sure you take some time out for yourself as well :)

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